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Megan Cassiday :: Four poems


An Effigy for Saint Jude

Honey sweet confessions

And a vibrant peach mouth.

Sore, lazy tongue

Embarrass me from a pulpit-

Sounds of a tired church symphony.

Worshipping behind the pews

Where you call me by name.

Make me drink the bitter wine,

Metallic, swollen lips

Pressed against the chest of a saint. 

Rub holy water on your palms

And kneel at a broken window.

Cut my hair with a shard of glass,

Offer it to a cherub, softly-

And count the tolling of a bell. 



Eulogy for a Sweetheart

Poppies in early June,
Staining clenched finger tips red -
The color of skin against violently soft words.
Quiet lovers in open fields
Planting seeds next to wildfires. 


Hurricane Season

Your fingertips against mine
Moving up
Touch my lips to find your name-
The one your mother gave you. 

It rained the night you were born
And you’ve been filled with
Thunderstorms ever since. 

Violent skies dance across your eyelids
And I’ve seen you choke
On the rainwater in your lungs. 

If you hold me closely
I’ll drown with you. 


Flower Girl

She looks at me and
Flowers grow from my fingertips
Reaching out towards her sun
They are destined to die 
Every time our hands touch.
I say they will come back
If we keep watering them
But she is living in a drought 
And so we exist
side         by          side
Never moving. 


Megan Cassiday is completing her B.A in English Education at Saginaw Valley State University and has plans to go on to her M.A. after graduation. She is also currently writing her first chapbook—although she has no plans for it to be done anytime soon. You can find her on Twitter @MeganLyn_

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