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J.D. Nelson :: Four poems


bible hawk

rose mike
white seas 

this is the lang of the proper

we left the show to see
the boats 

when one thing becomes the other
why I can’t sleep in the shower? 

this is the back of the wallet
where the money turns red 


right now with the animated piggy

just like a clock monster up at the hour of monstering
I’m talking about the friendly sesame street monsters, not scary monsters 
aha! the smart horse was named to the president’s table for the third straight year 

earth is in hiding
that’s what it’s doing way out here in the milky way 

gumby up
          gully gulch

would you like a diet coke to smoke?


in the sea tree

a clean heaven of the snowy earth
that miracle jones to summon a carlson 

sleeping lion was a calm red of the wolf
better than biff
             that common ultra

saturn for the charge of monsters
be the cold one in the egg 

the king of the winter snows
walking the dream dog in sears 



to shape the furstfume or dust of the widge

splat! went the frowning frogger
the stan the musial dream for the toast to talk 

being a brain harp
a hair tomorrow of the clean day

that breakroom face
when chuck was ice 

the world of the coming back to why
the cheer of the talking house to stand with my friend 

a low earth that week and we need that friend to be the word
the chance to win that apple 

to decide with that friend of the talk to hear of the world
the sun in the sentence of the crowd 

          the cough was a bulletin bull

          a mist of the mister

to grow aloud in silence
the friend of the sheep gets a glass of the milk




J. D. Nelson (b. 1971) experiments with words in his subterranean laboratory. More than 1,500 of his poems have appeared in many small press publications, in print and online. He is the author of several collections of poetry, including Cinderella City (The Red Ceilings Press, 2012). Visit for more information and links to his published work. Nelson lives in Colorado.


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