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Sophia Tempest Parsons :: Six poems

panic button

woke up
happy- early to work
for once
looked at cakes, carousels in windows
thought about rings, your cum,
my face

I don’t know what happened
all of the sudden

I had this gnawing feeling
that God is very small

by noon, texting you:

I need you
I want you to beat me up
I know I’m being crazy I’m trying
not to be
please pick up


last night         my teeth fell out of my face
I told my boyfriend and he said
that it’s common         it just means
I’m insecure    afraid of losing                        and I mean
I am     and I talk about it all the time
but how does he know that    how does everyone
know that


I have a personality disorder, so I don’t
have a strong sense of self
but at Panagia Ekatontapillani
a church dating back
to Justinian’s reign on a small
island in the cyclades
there is a saint’s tomb
and on that tomb is a porcelain doll
with a blue dress and brunette curls
just like the one my grandmother gifted me
many years ago
and the day she is moved
is the day my spirit leaves my body
I’m sure of it

reading kharms at the beach, covered in hives

a meditation on jaws
not the film


I wrap my legs
            around your leg           I have been
going to the gym lately           using
the elliptical so my legs have been      getting strong I
say I want to               sew my body
to your body               like the human centipede
I have never seen that movie              but I’m pretty sure
that’s                           what it’s about           
all my love                   is violent


everything is ending
all the time

to be human is to engage in cruelty daily

my house sits in a sea of blood,
all of ours do

Sophia Tempest Parsons is a poet based in Austin, Texas. Her first chapbook, A LAMB HANGS BY ITS OWN FOOT, was released with Ghost City Press in 2019. Tempest is her real middle name.

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