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mica yarrow yes woods :: from Death and

a solar system    without borders    my lovers my noon- 
          less sun
                                         close   ing  cloud  hor[rid/izon/rere/mone Y]  backwash 

                             smaller tallow  wedged   green-black body becoming Lake 
           we never talked  
                                               swim lessons    i tire treading so fast 
                 i don’t float even when i'm alive  
                                                                      no matter how big these tits get 
                           The Estrogen Papers say Your fat will be redistributed  

                                                   [s]ample     bloodwork 
                                    tells me the truth     
                                                in advertising: 
                         [      you are wanted!! you are wanted 
                                     for what 
                                  you grab off the shelf – [a]naphora [b]anal, [c]ant 
                                          you are worth 
                                   What YOU?! [goods  ]  -- new line station
                                                          [   byes ] 
                       the water sings clacking branches leaves the blood  
                                                   in my coffee cup   a swallow 
                                   Deathslapping my face 
                                      eroding my freckles 
                                                   & their legends of burns 

                                          in midsummer now it is 
                               thunderlapping on the shore 
                          of my waist       belly scarred X to double up X 

                                                                    Y-Death is wanted 
                                                                              for what good

                                                                  [?] till the last drop 
                                                                   Death is worth 
                                                         the last inch of topsoil

     handle to fit one finger 
                          lifted apart where heavy 
                &light  separate    culled   
      Into    Night Terrors^TM 
                       where Death dreams me into being 
          & dreams i go to the grocer 
          -y store to buy watermelon  
          slices which Death dreams 
          i call triangles and “almost 
          too sweet” i'm sticky from 
          ear to ear and rags of hairs 
          catch on what Death calls “u-

          n cut face grass" just kidding 
          who cares the day the Sun! 

          Death dreams Death sits at 
          an unstable breakfast table 
          with coffee from across the

            STREEEEEEEEET trying to un

          Cover the crossword clue 
1.                  HELP ME! HELP ME! 
               [The Module
               “C:\Users\Mica\Poemwork\Imageboys\Death Crossword.dll”
               failed to load.

                Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or
                debug it to check for problems with the binary or
                dependent .DLL files.

                 The specified module could not be found.]

                            Death dreams Death has more than two than three than four options 
                                   Death throws the pen into a bouquet of blue & white & purple flowers 
                                         picked from Humboldt Park where Death has me walk not quite 
                             hand-in-hand with a friend who tells me the Angel of Death visited them

                                    & their partner & their friend Hunter standing at the foot of their 
                                          beds. Death wondered where Angel went when Death ends Their 
                              Watch prayerless all of us ? in the classical &th Baroque senses Death & i

                                     at least are romantics Blood Messengers fluid bound Th Coal Art of mosquitoes 
                                           & viruses guzzle backwash into our DNA strands DO I KISS MY CHILDREN 
                              WITH THAT MOUTH like an insect that is one of our greatest pollinators 
                                      tho Sometimes takes a lil blood for their eggs and everyone goes BERSERK 
                                             GANGBUSTERS A(W)OL Online Death dreams Death multiplies with my sperm 
                               & it is clearly the Trans Messiah says Death's friend since Death & i are both 
                                      sterile Death scrolls thru thendless Feed never full never empty idle th oughts 
                                              & ends not quite Their suggested Friends & Followers quoting & quipping 
                              as when Death looks in the mirror in Their dream & the mirror wakes up 
                                    Death Two-Faces everything bringing all the products to the fore & putting  
                                           Names & Logos outward so the customers have the impression that WE ARE 
                                               REPLETE no wait that's what i do i'm always projecting like the movies on our  
                                                   first date WE ARE FULL-Y Death's nipples are always on display but back 
                                                        Death dreams me at the grocery store selecting pre-made salsas & dips & 
                                                              flour tortillas eating Them from afar 
                         on the bus my tuck 
                         comes, Death dreams, 
                         undone the bulge im 
                         -possible to fix within

                         & without alerting the

                         seated passenger next 
                         to it but i am filling the

                         correct AMT MACHINE

                         of space either/orchi[d]- 
                         ectomy u can't have it 
                         a lb. of feathers or a lb.

                         of castor oil lingering in

                         my side which is heav- 
                         ier   ?  ANYWEIGH  [us l i c e it]     Death dreams 
                                  Death sees Dogs necking 
                                  Dogs eating each other's necks 
                                  Dogs licking their wounds 
                                           But Dogs is Death's best friend & Dogs 
                    is coming over for brunch  
                                  Dogs is trying to quit adderall 
                                   Slow Down 
                                              obsolete starlight pulsing 
                                                   into the bedroom where Death dreams 
after the grocery store open the door it creaks it sticks it bulges with my knee 
                               I ENTER    EXEUNT 
                               I ENTER EXEUNT 

                               I ENTEREXEUNT I ENTER EXEUNT I ENTER 
                               EXEUNT.EXE I ENTER TO THE SOUND 
                               Of Death pulling a blanket over Their lowerhalf 
                               Death dreams  “This is how I get murdered 
                               This is it.” Death & i laugh. Death dreams we laugh

mica yarrow yes woods is a maid and copywriter in Chicago. Some of her is available soon or now at BOAAT, Requited, The Wanderer, Juked, Palimpsest, The New Territory, and DIAGRAM.

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